4.0 Option Settings
At the top of the screen as shown in Figure 1 you will see the "Options" selection. Click "Options" and you will see Figure 2.. Search Options are described below. There are seven program options shown on this window. They are listed and explained below: These are values which apply when the operator initiates a search option. These values are set to define the allowed deviation from the patient's prescription for glasses which might prove satisfactory.
1. Maximum Sphere Overage allowed to make the list. No glasses will be listed where the Spherical power of either the left or the right lens exceeds the value shown.
2. Maximum Cylinder Overage allowed to make the list. No glasses will be listed where the Cylindrical power of either the left or the right lens exceeds the value shown.
3. (+ or -) Axis Deviation allowed to make the list. No glasses will be listed where the axis of either the left or the right lens exceeds the value shown.
4. Maximum Allowed Cylinder when NO Patient Astigmatism. No glasses will be listed for a patient with NO astigmatism which have an Cylinder reading which exceeds the indicated reading.
5. Minimum Patient Sphere Value when above parameter is met. No glasses will be listed for a patient with NO astigmatism when the glasses have a maximum cylinder of parameter but also are less than the value of item 5. In this example if the glasses have a cylinder of .50 then they must have a spherical power of 6.00 or higher.
6. Amount to Cut-Back Cylinder each time. Each time the left or right "Cut-Back" buttons are clicked the cylinder is decremented this much. The Sphere is adjusted to keep the spherical equivalent the same. After a Cut-Back, a search is automatically performed.
7. Readers Minimum/Maximum Power. These 2 fields show the minimum (1.00) and maximum (4.00) values for the sphere for glasses to be readers. The left and right sphere must be within .25 of each other, the cylinder must be .25 or less and there can be no ADD.
If you click on Defaults/4 you get the screen shown in Figure 3 where all the default values are divided by 4. If you click on Defaults/2 you get the screen shown in Figure 4 where all the default values are divided by 2. Figure 2 shows the basic defaults and if you click on Defaults*2 you get the screen shown in Figure 5 where all the default values are multiplied by 2. When you click the MAX button you see values 1 - 6 change to 10, 10, 60, 1, 8 and .5. Notice that in all cases the selected button is shown in yellow. Remember when you click from left to right:
Exact Match Default/4 Default/2 Restore Defaults Defaults*2 MAX
You change how close to the patient prescription a pair of glasses must be to make the search list from 0 (exact) to what you see in Figure 5.
Search Options
The middle of Figure 5 shows the search options. There are several options you can select on this window. They are listed and explained below. Only one of the first 3 options can be selected.
- Both Eye Options -
Match Left Only
Selecting this option indicates that the match for the left side must be made only; however, the right side need not be matched at all. This is where the patient is blind in the right eye.
Match Right Only.
Selecting this option indicates that the match for the right side must be made; however, the left side need not be matched at all. This is where the patient is blind in the left eye.
Match Both Equally.
Selecting this option indicates that the match for both the left side and the right side must be made within the tolerances set by the Program Options. This is the system initial default.
Match Reading Power also.
This item can be selected along with any of the 3 above and indicates that the reading power shown in the "Reading Pwr." field in Figure 1 of the 3.0 Basic Functions section must also be matched (within the Program Options Spherical overage option 1). along with the main parameters of the glasses. This means that if you know that the reading glasses power is +2.00 then enter this exact value is the "Reading Pwr" field of the calculator panels. Reading power is equal to the Spherical Equivalent power plus the ADD for the glasses. In Search results windows the Reading Power shows up in parenthesis to the right of the ADD.
Match Reading Power Only.
Select this option if you want to find a pair of glasses whose reading power matches the "Reading Pwr" field without concern for the parameters fo the rest of the glasses (upper part). This allows you to get a pair of reading glasses for a person by matching only the lower/bifocal part of the glasses or a match of the upper part for non-bifocal lens.
No Match on Sphereical Equivalent.
Selecting this option is equivalent to clicking the Match Only on the main screen. This means that only glasses which match all 3 parameters will be presented on the search list.
Male & Femals seaches should include "Either"
Selecting this option allows you list to include Male + Either M/F or Female + Either M/F.
-- General Program Options --
Set Program Diagnostic Mode.
Clicking this option causes a file (C:\DiagnosticFile.txt) to be written which will be a copy of the results of the search option screen. This allows you to get a printout of the results of each search for manual analysis and diagnosis of the program.
Refresh screen upon Add/Remove.
If you select this option then every time you click and remove a selection from the search screen it is refreshed immediately. With a large inventory this can slow down the system considerably.
Print patient prescription on picklist.
Clicking this option will cause the picklist printout to include a copy of the patient prescription.
Disable Focometer Support.
Clicking this turns off the focometer entry fields in the data entry area of the main window. This clears space for autorefractor fields like Restore Autoref and Confidence Values.
Enable Autorefractor Data Capture.
If you select this option you are saying that you have an autorefractor connected to the program. When you click this option the window gets longer to add Select your autorefractor and Comm port options.
Automatic Search When Changed.
Clicking this option means that when you change the buttons EXACT MATCH, D/4, D/2, Default, or D*2 a search automatically takes place.
Enable automatic search when read.
This causes an automatic search for a pair of glasses when the patient's prescription is read by the autorefractor. This can also be controlled with a checkbox on the autorefractor data entry window. Typically it is left off if you choose to display confidence level.
Display Confidence Level
This allows the confidence level to display in the left/right data entry area of the main window. It will also appear in the autorefractor data capture window. Changing either of these two values will change the corresponding value on the other window.
Enable HOME button on main Screen.
This is to address a very rare problem where on some computers (set at a resolution of 1024 x 768) the main window will not automatically move over to the left and top to allow all of the right and bottom of the screen to be seen. When you check this option a small red button will appear in the top/left of the main window. Clicking this button forces the left/top corner of the main window into the left/top corner of the screen.
Remove Obsolete Forms.
This is used to remove the Lens and Frame inventory and Reading glasses inventory functions buttons from the main window.
Select your Autorefractor
Click one of the four available autorefractor options. Currently 5 models of autorefractors are supported: 1) Nikon Retinomax 2 or K-Plus 2, 2) Nikon Retinomax or K-Plus, 3) Welch Allyn Suresight, 4) Marco Nidek ARK-20/30, or Canon RK-2 desktop autorefractor.
Comm Port?. Select the number of the Comm port to which the autorefractor is attached. After selecting new autorefractor options you will get the window showing in Figure 6. You should restart the program before continuing operation.
After selecting an autorefractor the main window will have the buttons added which are indicated in Figure 7. If you click on "Enable Automatic Search" this means that after completing a reading of a patient the system will automatically search for a pair of glasses using the current parameter settings. This is turned off if you chose to enter confidence levels.
If you click on the Autorefractor Data Capture button you will see the window which is shown in Figure 8. When information is received from the autorefractor at the top of the window will be displayed in orange " INCOMING DATA...". The information from the autorefractor will be filled into the window and an automatic search will take place if the option is selected. The same information will be filled into the search window as shown in Figure 9. Notice that the "Autorefractor Reading Nr." will also be transmitted from the autorefractor to the computer should this instrument provide that option. Notice also the Patient number which you should enter from the patient's armband.